Why do I get the "java.net.​SocketTime​outExcepti​on: Read timed out" error in my installation log?

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MathWorks Support Team
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2021-4-2
    The "Read Timed Out" error is a connection error.  It can be caused by a few different things: security software, firewall/proxy settings, or a faulty network connection.
    Read timed out errors typically occur when the MathWorks Installer times out due to something interfering in the download/installation. For information on resolving connection errors, please refer to the following article:
    In addition to the above, you may try the following:
    • Start Windows in Safe Mode with Networking or MacOS in Safe Boot to bypass any security software that you may be missing (Note: Verify that you are not running BitLocker before booting Windows in Safe Mode)
    • Connect directly to your modem/router with an Ethernet cable
    • Connect to a different network
    • Make sure that your computer is not falling into sleep mode while installing

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