How can I extract data from a structure? I keep getting "The class struct has no Constant property or Static method named 'strains'." error

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I am currently running the Ncorr software with matlab and need to pull the strain data from it.
The below is the data in structure form and I can't figure out how to get the values out of the "strains" section. I tried simply doing [struct.strains] but the I get the error "The class struct has no Constant property or Static method named 'strains'". I don't care how the values are presented, I just need the numbers to put in a research notebook.
>> handles_ncorr.data_dic
ans =
struct with fields:
displacements: [1×152 struct]
dispinfo: [1×1 struct]
strains: [1×152 struct]
straininfo: [1×1 struct]
Thanks for the help in advance and let me know if further information is needed!


Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson 2019-5-20
The 'struct with fields' is the standard output line that tells you the class of the variable you just viewed, 'ans.'

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