Hello Emily,
It is my understanding that you are trying to retime a timetable but are encountering an error message relating to non-unique row times.
I used a non-empty timetable in R2019a like in the documented example linked below instead of the empty one (just "timetable") since the empty timetable would throw a different error:
Link to the example showing the sample timetable TT1: https://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2019a/matlab/ref/timetable.retime.html#mw_d15ca4da-a561-45c0-802f-c863b53751b2
However, I had to change TT1 to have repeated time values in the first two entries so as to be able to reproduce the error.
It was then that I noticed that the following command was probably being used to ensure that there were no repeated timestamps.
>> Data = unique(Data,'sort','rows');
If this is the case, kindly note that this command would not achieve this. It would simply make sure that the rows as a whole are unique and not necessarily the timestamp. You would need to extract the "Time" column of the timetable and extract the unique indices first (using "unique") and then use these indices to subscript into "Data".
This would ensure that the timestamps are unique. I hope this helps.