Every time I open a saved figure, it appears not as I had saved it, but with the default configurations of MatLab. To get around this, I use the command
set(0,'defaultAxesFontSize',25, ...
'defaultAxesTitleFontSizeMultiplier', 24/25)
This command makes de default axes font size to be 25 and the title font, to be 24. Nevertheless, I could not use the same command for the marker size in the legend. In other words, I couldn't find a command of the type
Is there a command that does this? (Another welcome solution would be a way to open the saved figures with the original configurations I choosed to them.)
As an example, I've made the following simple program:
x = randn(1,1000);
y = randn(1,1000);
figure, plot(x,y, '.')
[h,icons] = legend('randn');
icons(3).MarkerSize = 15;
The result is as follows from the figure (a). When I save and then reopen this figure, however, the marker size of the legend comes back to be the smaller size (equal to the size of the points in the graphic). Figure (b) shows this event. Is there a way to set a default marker size in the legend so this wouldn't happen?
ps: I am using MatLab 2018a