Linprog of max LP

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Harel Harel Shattenstein
评论: Torsten 2019-6-5
Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 16.21.28.png
Runing the code:
% Linprog defined on min problem and Ax<=b for max problem take - objectiveFunction
%% The problem
objectiveFunction = -1 * [10 6 -8];
A = [5 -2 6; 10 4 -6];
b = [20 ;30];
linprog (objectiveFunction, A,b)
I get that "Problem is unbounded." but the answer seems to be 170/3
  3 个评论
Harel Harel Shattenstein
Where should I add them? in the matrix A?
Torsten 2019-6-5
lb = [0 0 0];
ub = [Inf Inf Inf];


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