How do I get the elements of the bus inside a variable from the data dictionary?

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am having buses in the data dictionary I want to fetch the elements inside the bus.
How do I get the Element.
I have tried
allEntries = find(dd_SectObj, '-value', '-class', 'Simulink.Bus');
%% find all the buses.
foundOutIdsEntries = find(allEntries, '-regexp', 'Name', 'SLMS_BUS_out_ids_*')
%% check for all Output buses.
le = length(foundOutIdsEntries);
for j = 1 : le
abc = foundInEntries(j).Value;
How do I get those elements?

回答(1 个)

Donn Shull
Donn Shull 2019-7-27
Insted of Value you should use getValue ie:
for j = 1 : le
abc = foundOutIdsEntries(j).getValue;
% place code dealing with Entries here ie:
% entryList = abc.Entries


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