How can I fill an empty pyversion library?

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am attempting to call Python2.7 using MatLab. However, I continue to get the following error.
I have followed the problem solving page linked below. The first three checks seemed to be okay, but I cannot check if the Python Module is on the Python Search Path because I cannot call anything using "py.___"
When I run pyversion, I think I see the problem. The output of pyversion is below:
Everything looks good except the library is empty. The few examples I have seen have show an wide variety in what should be in the library. (Examples have been linked below)
I am running Windows10 and using 64-bit MatLab and Python. MATLAB Version: (R2017a)
  2 个评论
Luis Miguel Lopez Ramos
I have the same problem.
@Matthew, did you get a solution?
Luis Miguel
Juan Pablo Rivera Caicedo
please check this.
  1. Instalar python2.7-dev (sudo apt-get install -y python2.7-dev)


回答(2 个)

Christian Niklaus
Christian Niklaus 2020-9-21
Hi Matthew
I had the same problem. In my case, the problem was that the python version was not within the system path in Windows. I solved the problem by adding the installation path of python (in your case C:\Python27) to the Path variable.

Tyson Hill
Tyson Hill 2022-11-18
You must have a version of Python that is compatible with MATLAB. Currently, MATLAB supports versions 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. For more info, copy and past the following into your MATLAB comand window.
web(fullfile(docroot, 'matlab/matlab_external/install-supported-python-implementation.html'))


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