Phased Array Systems Toolbox
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Hi ,
I have some raw data from FMCW radar in .bin format and the I would like to analyse them with "Phase Array system Toolbox" to plot rang angle plot. but when I am running the code thre is the error!
Error using phased.RangeAngleResponse/plotResponse (line 571)
X must be a matrix and must be non-empty.
Error in test (line 158)
But X isn't empty, could you please help me to solve the problem?
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回答(3 个)
Honglei Chen
X is probably not a matrix. If you can provide more info regarding the data matrix, that will help us understand the problem better.
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Hello, I also encountered this problem. The radar is an FMCW radar. Given a 256 * 4 * 128 matrix, it also presents "Error using phased.RangeAngleResponse/plotResponse (line 571) X must be a matrix and must "be non-empty." error, is there a follow-up solution? Thank you.
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