I am trying to re do the following tutorial but i don't use datafeed toolbox to get Quandl data. I use the Quandl package directly.
I have the following code and error.
Connect to Quandl
Load credential and connect to Quandl
c = Quandl.api_key('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'); % You need to enter your Quandl key here
%c = quandl(quandlKey);
clearvars quandlKey
Set symbols for retrieving data
symbol1 = {'BCHAIN/MKPRU', ...% Bitcoin Market Price USD
'BCHAIN/MWNUS', ...% Bitcoin My Wallet Number of Users
'BCHAIN/DIFF', ...% Bitcoin Difficulty}; % Total Bitcoins
Retrieve data from Quandl in the past 2,000 days
nDays = 2000;
d = cell(1,numel(symbol1));
d{1} = Quandl.get(symbol1{1}, today - nDays,today - 1);
T = d{1};
for i = 2:numel(symbol1)
d{i} = Quandl.get(symbol1{i}, today - nDays,today - 1);
T = synchronize(T,d{i});
Create new variable names
symbol2 = regexprep(symbol1,'BCHAIN/',''); % Tighten symbols' name
T.Properties.VariableNames = symbol2;
no appropriate property , method or field 'properties' for class 'timeseries'