Can I save the "simout" while running "parsim" after each worker completes its simulation?

38 次查看(过去 30 天)


MathWorks Support Team
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2024-8-21,20:10
Yes, it is possible by enabling the "LoggingToFile" and "LoggingFileName" options using the "setModelParameter" parameter.
simin = setModelParameter(simin,'LoggingToFile', 'on', 'LoggingFileName', 'out.mat')
For more information, refer to the following documentation pages:
Please note that the "SimulationInput" objects and "SimulationOutput" objects can also be saved separately to a MAT file and loaded into the workspace later. You can then use:
openSimulationManager(in, out)
to open the Simulation Manager GUI. For more information, refer to:
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-8-22,2:58
@Trent Gatz commented:
The provided answer is incorrect. In the first line of provided code, the parameter 'LoggingToFile' must be set to 'on'. This parameter is case sensitive. Using 'On', as shown, does not work. A similar issue is documented in this question:
[Note: Mathworks appears to have corrected the line today.]


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