How to Reduce File Size of PDF Version of a Live Script?

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a live script (*.mlx) file that is about 800 kB. When I "save as PDF", the PDF file is almost 4 MB.
Now, I understand that my Live Script generates several plots, so I think that is why the file size is so bloated.
However, I would like some options to reduce this size. For example, the figures need not be at maximum quality. Also, if it takes less memory to save them as a raster scan (e.g., a *.PNG) instead of a vector graphic (e.g., a *.EPS), I would like to be able to do so. [That's just an example; I just want a means to reduce file size.]
(To answer why I care: the Live Script is part of a deliverable MATLAB toolbox (*.mltbx), and the file size of the package is important. I don't want to add 4 MB unless there's no other choice.)
My backup option is to only deliver the *.MLX file and not the *.PDF (right now we deliver both), but many users like the *.PDF version because it shows the outputs without having to run the code, and it shows what the outputs look like without errors.


Nick Patterson
Nick Patterson 2019-8-2
One person suggested using an external tool (I was trying to find a MATLAB setting).
I found the following Bash command worked amazing (form 3007 kB to 277 kB):
  • gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output_small.pdf input_large.pdf
The image quality drops substantially, but the text and text colors all look great. The figures are still good enough, and a file size reduction factor of 10 is impressive. This is exactly what I needed.

更多回答(1 个)

Lilian Smith
Lilian Smith 2019-7-31
if you want to comoress your pdf , try FoneDog PDF Compressor


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