Matrix Indexing with respect to sum of matrix raws

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
A =
-9 3 -1 9
-4 0 1 -2
-2 5 6 -9
I want to sort it and want to get following result after sort matrix A kindly let me know how i can get following results:
A =
-4 0 1 -2
-2 5 6 -9
-9 3 -1 9
Here matrix A is sort based of sum of each row.


madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-6-20
编辑:madhan ravi 2019-6-20
1) Sum A with respect to rows.
2) Use sort() for sum of rows and collect the second output of it.
3) Use the second output of sort() as the row indices of A.

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