Transfer function in Simulink

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can I find transfer function of RLC circuit in simulink automatically?

回答(2 个)

Andreas Bernatzky
Andreas Bernatzky 2019-6-26
I am not sure if I understand your question completely.
You should have a look on the system Identification Toolbox.

Shrinivas Hanchate
Shrinivas Hanchate 2019-6-26
My apologies for short description. Details were not possible to add becauuse of some MATLAB policy. Hopefully below details shall help
I am trying to understand the transfer function of a circuit. I am able to derieve it manually.
For eg: If I have an RLC circuit I can simulate the circuit in MATLAB and similar way if I create a LTI taransfer function block and insert the transfer function derieved, the output behaviour should be similar to the circuit output response
What I would like to know is , if I create RLC circuit in simulink, is there a way by which I can also derieve the transfer function using some MATLAB add-on or simulink blocks


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