Mesh doesn't work for cone shape?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a perfect cone shape, which is stored in a the tip_6.stl. I try to use the function generateMesh(). I found that no matter how do I choose the parameter Hmax and Hmin, It always shows me something like the following: Meshing failed with a Hmax of 0.100000 and a Hmin of 0.050000, adjusting Hmax and Hmin may resolve the problem. I found that as soon as I replace the tip point with a shpere, mesh just works fine. Seems like the function generateMesh cannot generate any sharp feature. Is there any way to get around this problem?


David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2019-6-30
Hello TY,
I don't know if you need a fancier triangular mesh, but here is a way to a 'square' one.
r = 0:.05:1;
th = linspace(0,2*pi,length(r));
[R theta] = meshgrid(r,th)
x = R.*cos(theta);
y = R.*sin(theta);
z = R*5; % 5 for example
  1 个评论
Dr Sohaib Khan
Dr Sohaib Khan 2020-6-2
hello david.... can u please help me with generation of mesh or surface around circles.... shall remain thankful.


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