How to customize the code interface of a function generated of a reference model

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I was working on a code-generation project with a top model and several referenced models. I found it very easy to customize the name and argument of any entry-point functions in top model after following the link:
However, I could not find where to customize the function interfaces for referenced models. One of the referenced model I have takes a single input and return a single output, and the generated code has the function like:
void foo(const real_T *input, real_T *output);
I want it to be configured as:
real_T foo(const real_T input);
Could anyone give me some guidance?
Much appreciated!


MarkB 2019-7-9
Dear Boru,
If you have Embedded Coder, it is possible to control the entry points using the Function Prototype Control feature ( Basically, you can specify a new name for the "step" function, and each of the root-level ports become function arguments or return values. You can also specify smaller details about these arguments, such as adding "const" or making them pass-by-value or pass-by-reference.
Mark Biesiada

更多回答(1 个)

Chidvi Modala
Chidvi Modala 2019-7-30
TLC (Target Language Compiler) files are used to customize the code building process. They generally come in two varieties
  1. System/model tlc files that help in the overall model conversion process
  2. Block level tlc files which describe how individual blocks (typically S-Functions) get converted to C code.


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