Multiple FFTs of segmented Signal with overlapping

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a signal ( a Voltage) and i frame into segments und then peforme FFT with Overlapping, now if i want to get one FFT of all how to do that?

回答(1 个)

Samatha Aleti
Samatha Aleti 2019-7-25
To get the FFT of all the segments with a single call, you can use the “stft” (Short-time Fourier Transform) function which returns the FFT of each segment multiplied by the window function, in each column for the given vector input.
For an input signal "x", with overlap length “o”, FFT length “nfft” and unit filter gain, the FFT of each segment is given as follows:
s = stft(x,'OverlapLength',o,'FFTLength',nfft,'Window',ones(nfft,1),'Centered',false);
For more details on usage of stft, go through


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