How do I calculate the numerical Jacobian for a set of six non linear equations ?

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Hi All
how do I calculate the Jacobian matrix for the following equations based on the example I put afterwards ?
please don't share tutorial links
F(1) = (x(1) - h1 )^2 + (x(2)- v1 )^2 + (x(3)-w1)^2 - A(1)^2;
F(2) = (x(1) - h2 )^2 + (x(2)- v2 )^2 + (x(3)-w2)^2 - A(2)^2;
F(3)= (x(1)-x(2))^2 + (x(2)-x(3))^2 + (x(3)-w3)^2 - A(3)^2;
x is the varaible to solve
% Example: (nonlinear least squares)
% xdata = (0:.1:1)';
% ydata = 1+2*exp(0.75*xdata);
% fun = @(c) ((c(1)+c(2)*exp(c(3)*xdata)) - ydata).^2;
% [jac,err] = jacobianest(fun,[1 1 1])
My problem : in the example only the coeficients have been differentiated. in my equations , x should be differentiated
  4 个评论
farzad 2019-7-7
Star : why have you linked this question to another of mine ?
Matt : does not matter , your answer was great enoough. I got it



Matt J
Matt J 2019-7-6
编辑:Matt J 2019-7-6
Jac=nan(3,3); %pre-allocate
Jac(1,:) = 2*[ x(1)-h1 , x(2)-v1 , x(3)-w1 ];
Jac(2,:) = 2*[ x(1)-h2 , x(2)-v2 , x(3)-w2 ];
Jac(3,:) = 2*[ x(1)-x(2) , 2*x(2)-x(1)-x(3) , 2*x(3)-x(2)-w3];

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