Hey guys,
I have an measurement of three sinusoidal signals.
But it is enough to only work with one in this case.
The measurement doesn´t have an int number of periods and i need to cut for my further work.
To make it more clear here is an picutre:
In this case we have 4 periods.
So i have to find the first negative to positive zero corssing and the last negative to positive zero crossing.
I found this code in the forum but it don´t work with my files but maby it can help u ?!
t = linspace(0,10*pi,200);
x = sin(t);
mcs = x .* circshift(x, [0 -1]);
zxix = find(mcs <= 0);
for k1 = 1:2:size(zxix,2)-1
zx(k1) = interp1(x(zxix(k1):zxix(k1)+1), t(zxix(k1):zxix(k1)+1), 0);
plot(t, x)
hold on
plot(zx, zeros(size(zx)), '+r', 'MarkerSize',10)
hold off
I hope u can help me.
Thanks in advance