How can I project my data onto a map?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a variable that is 576x360 that I have been plotting using imagesc and then a mask overlayed to outline the continents but I am wondering if I can plot my data on a real map projection rather than a rectangle. I have tried worldmap but am a bit unsure about how to get my data onto the map. Any tips or reccomendations would be greatly appreciated.

回答(1 个)

Yogesh Khurana
Yogesh Khurana 2019-7-24
To get the data onto the map you can use uistack. uistack is used to reorder visual stacking of UI components. Using this function, you can shift the specified component (map) to another position(bottom) in the stack.
Refer to the following example for the same:
x = 1:500;
y = sind(x);
axis tight;
hold on
I = imread('640px-WorldMap.png');
h = image(xlim,-ylim,I);
You can refer to uistack documentation for more details:


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