convert from datetimes to double
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I have created a variable called P_D and I want to put into it a date time asociated with each row (its financial data)
When I run the code it is saying:
The following error occurred converting from datetime to double:
Undefined function 'double' for input arguments of type 'datetime'. To convert from datetimes to numeric, first subtract off a
datetime origin, then convert to numeric using the SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, or YEARS functions.
Error in test2 (line 38)
How do I convert to numeric? '09-Jul-2019 02:25:00'
2 个评论
回答(1 个)
Walter Roberson
datenum() the datetime object.
This is not preferred. Consider using a table object or better yet a timetable
2 个评论
Steven Lord
I second Walter's suggestion of storing your data in a timetable. Once you've done that, you could call plot on the times stored in the timetable as the first input and the numeric data as the second input.
t = datetime('today')+days(0:5).';
r = (0:5).'.^2;
tt = timetable(t, r);
plot(tt.t, tt.r)
Yes, I know in this example I could just as easily have plotted the data using t and r directly. But I'm assuming you may be performing some manipulation or analysis on the data before visualizing it, and many functions can accept a timetable.
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