how to select non-zero filled column(s) in matlab

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would need to select non-zero filled column from arrays when series of instruction would proceed.
Just an example:
pwm1=log10(pw65(pWM_range))/log10(pw1(pWM_range)); (attached underneath)
and tha last one is the 1st column filled with non-zero numbers but there are plenty of these instrucction should be calculcated and always changing. So, there is no way to select it all the time.
Could you help with an answer?
Many thanks for the help in advance.
Kind regards.
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Andras Gergely
Andras Gergely 2019-7-23
Dear Roberson,
Yes, it really works fine.
So, many thanks for that.
Kind regards.

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