Code for an equation

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to plot y = (3.5^(-.5x))*cos(6x) for x= -2 to x= 4 with interval of 0.01 without using for loop.
Following is the code I am writing:
x = [-2:.01:4];
y = (3.5.^(-.5*x))*(cos(6*x));
But I recieve this error
Error using *
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.


Aviel Moos
Aviel Moos 2019-7-23
编辑:Aviel Moos 2019-7-23
You need to use elementwise multimplication.
let look at this:
A = (3.5.^(-.5*x)); % Here you will get a vector with 601 elements
B = (cos(6*x)); % Here you will get also a vector with 601 elements
You cannot just multiply, You need to multiplay each element in place K of A with element in place K of B.
So just replace:
y = (3.5.^(-.5*x))*(cos(6*x));
with this:
y = (3.5.^(-.5*x)).*(cos(6*x));

更多回答(2 个)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-7-23
y = (3.5.^(-.5*x)).*(cos(6*x));
% ^ dot
  7 个评论
Malik Sheraz  Nazam
Malik Sheraz Nazam 2019-7-26
I wish I had option to accept all the answer.
You both made life easier for me.
Thanks :D
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-7-26
编辑:Adam Danz 2019-7-26
I'm just here and help out and learn a lot in the process. Accepted answers and votes are quantitative measures of skill but your appreciation is the qualitative feedback that has a longer lasting positive effect.


madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2019-7-23


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