Drawing two figures from the same program

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I m drawing a bar graph, "figure1" and after executing certain no of codes i want to draw a new bar graph in a different figure.But in my case i m using "Hold off" which is resulting a new figure which is replacing the old one in the figure "figure1"....how do i draw a separate figure..say "figure2"...keeping the old one "figure1" unchanged..

回答(2 个)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011-4-4

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011-4-4
close all %close all open figures
fig1=figure(1) %create one figure
%draw something on figure
fig2=figure(2) %create another figure
%draw something on figure
%figure 2 is now the current figure
%if you want to select figure 1 for the current figure
%now you are adding stuff to the figure 1 again


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