You can create a template based on the default FormalImage template that centers the image and caption.
Create a template based on the default FormalImage template and unzip the template:'centeredImageTemplate', 'pdf')
unzipTemplate('centeredImageTemplate.pdftx', 'centeredImageTemplate_pdftx')
In centeredImageTemplate_pdftx\stylesheets\root.css, add text-align: center; to both FormalImageImage and FormalImageCaption styles:
p.FormalImageImage {
margin-bottom: 10pt;
text-align: center;
p.FormalImageCaption {
font-size: 10pt;
white-space: pre;
-fo-keep-with-previous.within-page: always;
text-align: center;
Zip the template:
zipTemplate('centeredImageTemplate.pdftx', 'centeredImageTemplate_pdftx')
In your code, set the TemplateSrc property of the figure reporter to centeredImageTemplate:
fig = FormalImage(figsnapnm);
fig.TemplateSrc = 'centeredImageTemplate';