try to create an excel add-in with matlab builder ex. I need to use this add-in in a computer without matlab. I create a package(the name is Rsi_prj1.exe) that contain this file: MCRInstaller.exe MWRegsvr.exe Rsi_prj1_1_0.dll Rsi_prj1.bas
I transfer the Rsi_prj1.exe in a computer without matlab, then I open the package that install MCRInstaller The MCR Installer automatically:
Copies the necessary files to the target folder you specified. Registers the components as needed. Updates the system path to point to the MCR binary folder, which is C:\Programmi\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v717\runtime\win32
now i open the excel file than import rsi_prj1.bas and save .xla, than i add the new add-in in excel. the error message when I use the rsi function (crete with matlab) is: Error in VBAProject: ActiveX component can't create object.
I register the Rsi_prj1_1_0.dll but when i lunch in dos mwregsvr rsi_prj1_1_0.dll i see the message <LoadLibrary>Error:0x0000007e Message: The specified module could not be found.
i don't know where is the mistake.
P.s. (sorry for my bad english!)