How can I display multiple images in one figure window using for loop?

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Is there a way for me to be able to read/display 100 images (0001.png - 0100.png) without having to type them all manually like below? All 100 images are in a folder if that helps (C:\Users\pittsl\Desktop\Matlab\train\cup).
files = {'0001.png', '0002.png','0003.png','0004.png','0005.png',};
for K = 1 : 5
this_image = imread(files{K});
ax = subplot(1, 5, K);
imshow(this_image, 'Parent', ax);


Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-7-30
编辑:Adam Danz 2022-4-20
% Inputs: folder and file extension
% Will plot all files with the chosen extension in the chosen folder
folder = 'C:\Users\pittsl\Desktop\Matlab\train\cup';
ext = 'png'; %extension, no dot
% Get list of all files
content = dir(folder);
allfiles = {};
isExt = endsWith(allfiles,['.',ext],'IgnoreCase',true); % req. r2016b or later
files = allfiles(isExt);
% Determine subplot layout
nImages = numel(files);
dimN = ceil(sqrt(nImages));
dimM = ceil(nImages/dimN);
nrows = min(dimN, dimM);
ncols = max(dimN, dimM);
% Plot them
for K = 1:nImages
this_image = imread(fullfile(folder,files{K}));
ax = subplot(nrows,ncols, K);
imshow(this_image, 'Parent', ax);
For MATLAB releases prior to R2016b, replace the endsWith function with this,
isExt = ~cellfun('isempty',regexpi(allfiles,['.',ext,'$']));
To show thumbnail images of all image files within a folder or images with specified extensions, see showImageThumbnails from the File Exchange. Image tiles will be numbered and a table is returned that defines the path to each tile.
folder = 'C:\Users\pittsl\Desktop\Matlab\train\cup';
ext = '.png'; % include dot
showImageThumbnails(folder, ext)
  13 个评论
Stephen23 2022-4-22
folder = 'C:\Users\pittsl\Desktop\Matlab\train\cup';
ext = 'png'; %extension, no dot
% Get list of all files
content = dir(fullfile(folder,sprintf('*.%s',ext)));
files = {};
.. etc.


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