solving a symbolic equation in a for loop and store them

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I have been trying to solve a symbolic equation in a for loop and then store the data in matrix form. I've attached my code and error txt below;
c = 2.99792458e+08;
eps_0 = 8.8541878176e-12;
n_1 = 1.5;
% n_2 = 1.5;
% n_3 = 1.5;
phid = 0;
% nu_bar_0_cm = 1000;
nu_bar_0 = nu_bar_0_cm * 1e2;
lambda_0 = 1/nu_bar_0;
%%%%%%% dielectric tensor epsilon using eq(1)%%%%%%%%%%%%
% eps_2 = ((n_2)^2)*eps_0*eye(3);
% eps_3 = ((n_3)^2)*eps_0*eye(3);
nu = c/lambda_0;
lambda_1 = lambda_0/n_1;
Al = 2*pi*sind(thetad)*cosd(phid)/lambda_1;%alpha
Bt = 2*pi* sind(thetad) * sind(phid)/lambda_1; % beta
eps_1 = (n_1)^2*eps_0*eye(3);
gamma = sym('gamma');
x11 = (w^2)*mu_0*eps_1(1,1)-(Bt^2)-(gamma^2);
x12 = (w^2)*mu_0*eps_1(1,2)+Al*Bt;
x13 = (w^2)*mu_0*eps_1(1,3)+Al*gamma;
x21 = (w^2)*mu_0*eps_1(2,1)+Al*Bt;
x22 = (w^2)*mu_0*eps_1(2,2)-(Al^2)-(gamma^2);
x23 = (w^2)*mu_0*eps_1(2,3)+Bt*gamma;
x31 = (w^2)*mu_0*eps_1(3,1)+Al*gamma;
x32 = (w^2)*mu_0*eps_1(3,2)+Bt*gamma;
% epsilon1=zeros(3,60);
% lendel=3*len_Edelta;
p_store = zeroes(3,len_Edelta);
for ii=1:len_Edelta
new_eps33 = eps_33+eps_0*10^(-e_delta(ii));
eps_1(3,3) = new_eps33;
x33= w^2*mu_0*eps_1(3,3)-Bt^2-Al^2;
M = [x11 x12 x13; x21 x22 x23; x31 x32 x33];
detM = det(M(:,:));
% eqn = DetM(ii)==0;
gg= solve(DetM(ii),gamma);
g1(:,:) = double(gamma);
g1_store(:,ii) = g1(:);
p_x = (w.^2.*mu_0.*(eps_1(2,2))-Al.^2-(g1(1,1)).^2).*(w.^2.*mu_0.*eps_1(3,3)-Al.^2-Bt.^2)-(w.^2.*mu_0.*(eps_1(2,3))+Bt.*g1(1,1)).^2 ;
p_y = (w.^2.*mu_0.*eps_1(2,3)+Bt.*g1(1,1)).*(w.^2.*mu_0.*eps_1(3,1)+Al.*g1(1,1))-(w.^2.*mu_0.*eps_1(1,2)+Al.*Bt).*(w.^2.*mu_0.*(eps_1(3,3)+eps_0*1e-1)-Al.^2-Bt.^2);
p_z = (w.^2.*mu_0.*eps_1(1,2)+Al.*Bt).*(w.^2.*mu_0.*eps_1(2,3)+Bt.*g1(1,1))-(w.^2.*mu_0.*eps_1(1,3)+Al.*g1(1,1)).*(w.^2.*mu_0.*eps_1(2,2)-Al.^2-(g1(1,1)).^2);
p_store(:,ii) = [p_x; p_y; p_z];
and the error,
>> delta
Error using sym.getEqnsVars>checkVariables (line 87)
Second argument must be a vector of symbolic variables.
Error in sym.getEqnsVars (line 54)
Error in solve>getEqns (line 429)
[eqns, vars] = sym.getEqnsVars(argv{:});
Error in solve (line 226)
[eqns,vars,options] = getEqns(varargin{:});
Error in delta (line 62)
gg= solve(DetM(ii),gamma);
I would really appreciate any help. have been working on this for days now. Thanks in advance.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-8-4
gamma = sym('gamma');
So you initialize gamma as a symbolic scalar variable.
for ii=1:len_Edelta
So you enter into a loop
gg= solve(DetM(ii),gamma);
First time through the loop, gamma is the initial symbolic scalar variable and the solve() is able to proceed
You just overwrote gamma with the expression that resulted from the solve() operation. The result is unlikely to happen to be a symbolic variable or vector of symbolic variables: it is more likely to be a symbolic expression
g1(:,:) = double(gamma);
If it were a symbolic variable or vector of symbolic variables, then double() if it would produce an error, so we can deduce that it is a symbolic expression that represents one or more numeric values.
So we are at the bottom of the loop. At this point, gamma is a symbolic expression representing a numeric value.
Now execute the second iteration of the for loop:
gg= solve(DetM(ii),gamma);
gamma is a symbolic expression representing one or more numeric values, not a symbolic variable. solve() throws a fit.
  3 个评论
Nafisa Amin
Nafisa Amin 2019-8-4
Thanks a lot. Now I undestood what was wrong. It's working. Thanks again.


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