I'm trying to insert information obtained and modified from a .csv file to a database through matlab in order to run some tests on the public data.
To this objective I created a Postgresql database and the required table, since from this I got the idea I could pass the table from the matlab workspace onto the database table directly. I setup de JDBC connection, tested and all is okay.
However when I run the sqlwrite command, though it can create new table with the information I give, if table already exists but is empty, it simply gives the error:
Error using database.jdbc.connection/sqlwrite (line 104)
JDBC JDBC/ODBC Error: JDBC Driver Error: ERROR: relation
"ozonezurich.testschema.ozonetable" already exists.
The code,
filename = 'test.csv';
Table = Read_csv(filename);
datasource = "zurichtest";
username = "postgres";
password = "************";
conn = database(datasource,username,password);
ColumnNames = {'ObsDate','TimeStamp','Latitude','Longitude','HDOP', ...
Table.Properties.VariableNames = ColumnNames;
Does anyone know how can I fix this?
P.S: Having the .csv file I know I can run the tests, however, further ahead on the project I'll need to do this or something similar. Since I'll be processing data and will be needing to write it on a database.