How to convert RGB to CIE Lab color space?

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How to convert RGB to CIE Lab color space?


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-9-7
Convert the image to L*a*b* color space using makecform and applycform.
colorTransform = makecform('srgb2lab');
lab = applycform(rgbImage, colorTransform);
  7 个评论
Adam 2017-1-4
编辑:Adam 2017-1-4
doc rgb2lab
if you have >= R2014b and Image Processing Toolbox which you need for the above anyway (the toolbox)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-1-4
zee, you can also use rgb2lab(). But, what output are you expecting? You get an image. And to see that image you can use imshow(), or you can just look at its values in the variable editor in the workspace. But no output will get "shown" unless you do one of those two things. Otherwise all you get is a new variable.
If you want to see the 3-D color gamut, you can use colorcloud() (R2016b and later).


更多回答(3 个)

Deepak Panda
Deepak Panda 2015-10-13
How can I transfer rgb to Lab color space with luminance [0 100], a [-86.18 98.23] and b [-107.86 94.47]
  5 个评论
Kondal Rao J
Kondal Rao J 2017-6-16
If you have higher version than 2014....just rgb2lab is sufficient to convert the image to lab color space


Yoon ThiriZaw
Yoon ThiriZaw 2019-6-14
Can we calculate rgb to lab without matlab code using hand calculation?
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-6-14
Try here:
0001 Screenshot.png
First go from RGB to XYZ, then XYZ to LAB.
Or you could try Bruce Lindbloom's site
0000 Screenshot.png
The above are just images so you can't click on them. But click on the link and go to the site and click on the formula you want and it will be there.
Just be aware that your LAB values will NOT be the same as what you get from a spectrophotometer, unless you do a calibration.


kasthuri c
kasthuri c 2019-7-10
how to find the values of L paramete a parameter b parameter in Lab conversion method.
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-7-10
labImage = rgb2lab(rgbImage);
LImage = labImage(:, :, 1);
aImage = labImage(:, :, 2);
bImage = labImage(:, :, 3);



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