couldnt install matlab on d drive

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
i cannot install matlab on d drive ,it shows a connection error
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-8-14
It might not have anything to do with trying to install on D: -- possibly you have a firewall setting that is blocking the installer from talking to MATLAB servers.


回答(2 个)

Alexei Jolkin
Alexei Jolkin 2019-11-22
编辑:Alexei Jolkin 2019-11-22
Connection Error
" The application could not connect to MathWorks."
As many other Matlab users I am on a corporate network with lots of kooky stuff which I have no control of whatsoever. I've wasted a day tweaking Proxy, Firewall and Java (Antivirus is absolutely out of my control). Still could not install Matlab.
However I could instal Matlab AFTER uninstalling a program named ZScaler and all of its instances from the "Apps & Features" dialog (Add or remove programs system setting). This miserable ZScaler is a part of some sort of corporate cloud solution and messes things up pretty badly.
Ripp this ZScaler off your computer and you will be able to install Matlab. All my cloud drives still work, at least in the office area. I am on W10.
Good luck!

Sai Bhargav Avula
Sai Bhargav Avula 2019-10-21
As mentioned by Walter, the issue is not related to the drive that you are trying to install. It might be due to any of the following reasons
  • Antivirus Software
  • Proxy
  • Firewall
The following links provides a detailed explanatation of how to address each of the above mentioned issues
Hope this helps!


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