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Reading names of preexisting figures and combining figures that share the same name?

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If there are multiple existing figures in the form of line/scatter plots, is there a function or script that could be used to merge figures that have the same names?
I have figures: Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Beta, Beta, Gamma
I want both plots for Alpha to be merged onto one figure, all three Beta plots to be merged into one figure, and the Gamma plot to remain with no changes.
  3 个评论
ethan campbell
ethan campbell 2019-8-16
I was using a reading loop to read and graph data from multiple files in a folder; your first answer gave me some ideas and I ended up getting the results that I needed. Thank you!
dpb 2019-8-16
Great!!! Glad to prompt an alternate (and better) solution. I figured something like that was going on... :)

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