[Mac OS] Mac's Matlab is not responding when I open a scope (adding some legend) in simulink. However, it runs normal in Windows

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Macbook pro 15 2018. Mac's Matlab (2019a and 2018b) is not responding when I open a scope (adding some legend) in simulink. However, it runs normal in Windows 10.
  2 个评论
Xuelei Chen
Xuelei Chen 2019-10-10
Hi, I have the same problem. I am using Matlab R2019a in Macbook Pro 15 2016 (Mojave 10.14.5).
Do you find the solution now?
Joey Zhang
Joey Zhang 2022-5-17
I am still running into this issue on MATlab R2022a in MacBook Pro 16inch 2020. macOS 12.3.1 21E258 x86_64. Does anyone have a solution for this?


回答(3 个)

Wenxue Zhang
Wenxue Zhang 2019-8-19
Even a very simple simullink. no responds and cpu becomes 90℃. (macOS Mojave 10.14.6)微信图片_20190819135026.png

Lennard 2019-11-4
In my case there was a problem with the program called "smart scroll". After disabling it I could use simulink without any issues (exept magnet is still not working with matlab)

Fabio Zamboni
Fabio Zamboni 2022-10-9
I had the same problem, solved following this answear:
I hope you can find it helpful


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