[Edit] The lat and lon files are 96x12 matrices. I neglected some important info, but I have included it. The individual file represents a arc like band stretching from west to east. So each file has a 96x12 lat and lon file that represents the points within the band
Using find to check the contents of files within a struct
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Hello, I am working on a project in which I have a 5122x1 struct containing files with latitude and longitude data. I access the files in the struct with a for loop. ie)
latlon_data = 'C:\Users\bbush\Desktop\Matlab Code and Plots\Microwave Files\20190407\GATMO'; %Need to change dated folder to the correct day
latlonfn = dir(fullfile(latlon_data,'*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*.h5')); % return the list of all files
for i = 1:length(latlonfn)
%lat/lon and bt variables with all of the unmatched files
lat = double(h5read(latlonfn(i).name, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR-GEO_All/Latitude'));
lon = double(h5read(latlonfn(i).name, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR-GEO_All/Longitude'));
emptyIndex = find(latlonfn(i).name((lat >= 20 & lat <= 60) && (lon >= -128 & lon <= -65)));
These files contain satellite swaths that cover the entire planet but I need to be able to figure out which ones are only over the U.S. I am having trouble implementing the find function to to search through the struct and look at the lat and lon points. I need to return the index of files within the struct that have lat and lon points inside the given ranges.
I have tried using double && inside the comparisons as well but that didnt work, I'm just not sure how to set up the find command
3 个评论
Note: strictly speaking your structure does not contain files. It contains, among other things, filenames. The files are stored on the hard drive.
As Jon has pointed out your find syntax is completely wrong, and I'm not sure what indices you're actually wanting. The indices of the elements of the structure (i.e filenames) for which the matrices lat and lon have some (or is all?) coordinates within your band? Or the indices of lat and lon which are within the band for each element of the structure? Or both?
Also, isn't there a function in the mapping toolbox for finding if a set of coordinates is within a country. That would be better than assuming the US is rectangular (or whatever the projection of a rectangle on sphere is called).
It looks like your difficulty is coming from the argument that you are providing to the find command.
If you look carefully at your line of code:
emptyIndex = find(latlonfn(i).name((lat >= 20 & lat <= 60) && (lon >= -128 & lon <= -65)))
you will see that that the argument that you are giving to the find function is:
latlonfn(i).name((lat >= 20 & lat <= 60) && (lon >= -128 & lon <= -65))
which looks to me as if it would evaluate to being the name of a file, which is a character array.
You want to provide an array of logicals to the find function.
Maybe you can rework your logic so that you produce an array of logicals where the criteria for lat and lon are met and then do the find on that.
If I am understanding what you are trying to do, then this might be a good start at how you might modify your code
latlon_data = 'C:\Users\bbush\Desktop\Matlab Code and Plots\Microwave Files\20190407\GATMO'; %Need to change dated folder to the correct day
latlonfn = dir(fullfile(latlon_data,'*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*.h5')); % return the list of all files
% preallocate vectors to hold latitude and longitude
numFiles = length(latlonfn);
lat = zeros(numFiles,1);
lon = zeros(numFiles,1);
for i = 1:length(latlonfn)
%lat/lon and bt variables with all of the unmatched files
lat(i) = double(h5read(latlonfn(i).name, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR-GEO_All/Latitude'));
lon(i) = double(h5read(latlonfn(i).name, '/All_Data/ATMS-SDR-GEO_All/Longitude'));
% find the indices of the files which match the latitude and longitude
% requirements
idxMatch = find((lat >= 20 & lat <= 60) & (lon >= -128 & lon <= -65));
% now if you only wanted to look at files which met the criteria you could
% look just at these, for example
someFiles = latlonfn(idxMatch)
% or if you wanted just the files that didn't meet the criteria you could get the compliment
otherFiles = latlonfn(~idxMatch)
6 个评论
Thanks for that. I've also run into collisions on MATLAB answers where by the time I post something someone else has already posted a similar solution. I'm just glad you were able to get moving on your project.
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Brandon Bush
2 个评论
Glad you were able to anwer your question.
Note that you have some redundant lines of code. No need for the if statement. You could streamline that to
in(i) = any(inpolygon(lon,lat,xv,yv)) %determines if the lat and lon values are inside the polygon
Also since your polygon is just a rectangle you don't need all of the machinery of inpolygon. I would guess that it is simpler and more efficient to check it as shown in my final comment to you, with just simple <= range checks
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