How can i use Inverse for symbolic variables?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
for example : I have this 2-by-2 matrix : [A] = [ a*(x^2) , b(y^3) ; d*(x^2)*y , c ].
and I want to get inverse of the [A].
Is it possible?


Alex Mcaulley
Alex Mcaulley 2019-8-23
syms x y a b c d
A = [ a*(x^2) , b*(y^3) ; d*(x^2)*y , c ];
ans =
[ c/(- b*d*x^2*y^4 + a*c*x^2), -(b*y^3)/(- b*d*x^2*y^4 + a*c*x^2)]
[ -(d*y)/(- b*d*y^4 + a*c), a/(- b*d*y^4 + a*c)]

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