NullPointerException error with Java

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm getting this error message when trying to run some unit tests. How do I fix this?
Error using print (line 102)
There was a problem while generating the output: Java exception occurred:
at com.mathworks.hg.print.FOPPDFVectorStrategy.endJob(
at com.mathworks.hg.util.HGVectorOutputHelper.close(
Error in saveas (line 168)
print( h, name, ['-d' dev{i}] )
Error in executeUnitTests (line 392)
saveas(fig,['.\test\unit\output\' StateFlowModelName '_UT_' t '\' Current_Test_Name '\'
Caption '.pdf']);
  1 个评论
Prashant Nirmal
Prashant Nirmal 2019-11-15
Make sure your Java environment is correctly configured.
If the issue persists after configuring Java then uninstall MATLAB completely and install it again.


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