How to make waitbar 'always on top'/bring to front

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi I have a GUI, which does some computation causing a waitbar to be displayed. This is fine. At some point, it brings up another waitbar, which causes the first waitbar to be 'pushed' to the back - i.e behind the main GUI. How can I keep the first waitbar 'always on top' - make sure that the main GUI is always kept to the back?

回答(2 个)

Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming 2011-4-5
I thought this would be easy - but it took a bit more working out that I thought... I'm no expert in the Java side of matlab figures but this works for me (r2009b on Windows).
h=waitbar(0,'test','windowstyle', 'modal');
frames = java.awt.Frame.getFrames();
for i=1:5
if i == 2
f = figure ( 'windowstyle', 'normal' );
set ( f, 'position', [300 300 600 400] );
plot ( sort(rand(10,1)), rand(10,1) );
  1 个评论
Markus Beschow
Markus Beschow 2023-1-13
Great solution! Also still works in r2020b on windows and probably should continue to work.
Does not disable interacting with matlab like the modal property does.


Jiro Doke
Jiro Doke 2011-4-5
Try setting the WindowStyle of the waitbar to modal:
h = waitbar(1, 'test', 'WindowStyle', 'modal');
  1 个评论
James Ramm
James Ramm 2011-4-15
This is a fairly good quick fix, but then the GUI is no longer running in the background, which could potentially be a problem...



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