grpstats for several variables
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Hello everybody,
i have values for Sodium, creatinine and many more variables for patients. I need to calculate mean median values of them. Should i use everytime mean(ds.Sodium) or is there a easier way to do that ? i ve been trying to use grpstats function i couldnt make it work. if someone would explain me i would be very happy. thank you
2 个评论
Adam Danz
What problems are you having? There are lots of examples in documentation which is the first place to go for help.
Adam Danz
stat1 = grpstats(ds, {'Sodyum' , 'AST'} , {'mean' , 'median'}) i did this, for my dataset ds, {variables} , {what i want to calculate'means'}
Adam Danz
编辑:Adam Danz
Have a look at the list of statistics that are accepted as character vectors. Note that 'median' is not one of the options.
Instead, you'll need to use a function handle to list 'median' as a stat.
stat1 = grpstats(ds, {'Sodyum', 'AST'} , {'mean', @median});
That fixes any syntax issues. If problesm persist, please describe the problem in detail and share the result of the following line (assuming ds is a table which appears to be the case).
head(ds) % if ds is a table
6 个评论
Adam Danz
Ongun, please spend some time reading through the documentation. I provided a link to the grpstats() function. Often times it help looking at the examples too. Look for an example in the grpstats page that matches your inputs.
In this line
stat1 = grpstats(T, {'Sodyum', 'AST'} , {'mean', @median},'DataVars',{'ALT'})
you are computing the mean and median ALT for each "Sodym" and "AST" group -combination. Those group combinations are the row names in the table output.
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