Readtable for a huge (no good schema) CSV file!

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Hi All,
I have a tricky task of reading this huge csv file (1360x107037) . The example data is attached with this question and it just contains only few rows and columns. I tried importing it through the matlab function readtable.
What I did -
  1. I tried to get the opts throught detectImportOptions()
  2. As the delimiter is 'semi-colon', I assigned it to opts.Delimeter
  3. Then I used readtable(filename, opts)
  4. I got a table with 1360 rows and 107037 columns.
Problem -
  1. I am getting in every even row for cells that supposed to be a string or datestring NaN values but all numerical values are retained
  2. I tried to make the 7th line of the csv data as VariableNames but somehow I am getting Var1, Var2, ...... etc are the VariableNames
Does anyone know how could I get rid of these NaN values and obtain the actual string if exists or just an empty string and make the 7th line of the CSV file as the VariableNames.
Update 1
I guess it is expecting a number at that point but instead it is receiving a String!
Update 2
I did this -
opts.VariableTypes(1, 1:end) = {'char'};
Now I am getting all the values but now all the numbers are casted to 'char'!
I dropped all th eampty columns;
table (:, all(ismissing(table))) =[];
I thought of saving the Table as .mat for later use but (my stupidity) it contains now all 'char' values and the file is really huge!
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks & Cheers,
  10 个评论
Savan Rangegowda
Savan Rangegowda 2019-9-16
opts = detectImportOptions(FileName, 'Delimiter',';', 'NumHeaderLines', 18)
is apparently throwing an error -
Matrix index is out of range for deletion
per isakson
per isakson 2019-9-16
编辑:per isakson 2019-9-16
"As it contains a lot of columns(107037), I don't how to specify a format so huge so that I could use textscan!!" One cannot take for granted that textscan or readtable for that matter can handle that huge number of columns. If all the columns hold numerical data:
format = [ '%{fmt}D%{fmt}D', repmat( '%f', 1, 107037-2 ) ];
where fmt shall be replaced by the correct date-format. See help on textscan.
The first 18 lines can be read line by line and parsed individually.



Guillaume 2019-9-16
As has been suggested you will have to parse the header and the values separately. It can't be done with the same readtable call as the data in your header is organised by rows whereas the values are organised by columns. In fact, the header is completely not suitable for readtable, so if it is indeed needed, reading the file line by line and using textscan is probably the best route:
fid = fopen('Example_CSV.csv', 'rt'); %open as text mode for automatic line ending conversion
%since textscan does not support timezones read everything in the first 7 rows as text
headers = cell(7, 1);
for l = 1:7
tline = fgetl(fid);
headers(l) = textscan(tline, '%s', 'Delimiter', ';', 'MultipleDelimAsOne', true); %not sure you want that last option for your actual file
%conversion to datetime
for l = 2:4
headers{l} = datetime(headers{l}, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ssZ', 'TimeZone', 'UTC+2'); %Choose whichever timezone you want for display
headers(5:6) = []; %discard unwanted row 5 and 6
As for the data itself, with your example file, the following requires no extra parsing afterwards but may need adapting for your file with more columns:
opts = detectImportOptions('Example_CSV.csv', 'NumHeaderLines', 18, 'Delimiter', ';'); %Basic detection. If on R2019a or later, add 'ReadVariableNames', false
%correction for the date columns:
opts = opts.setvartype(1:2, 'datetime'); %proper type
opts = opts.setvaropts(1:2, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ssZ', 'TimeZone', 'UTC+2'); %proper decoding. Note: Set the timezone to whatever timezone you want it to display in
%remove unneeded variables
opts.SelectedVariableNames = opts.VariableNames([1:3, 6]);
opts.ExtraColumnsRule = 'ignore';
%read the data
data = readtable('Example_CSV.csv', opts);
  4 个评论
Guillaume 2019-9-17
I certainly wouldn't expect textscan to fall over for any length of text line (unless you run out of memory of course). What may very well fail or at least take a very long time is the detectImportOption.
The OP seem to have disappeared on us...
dpb 2019-9-17
It certainly shouldn't for anything that isn't system or memory limited...don't know what the underlying C i/o runtime library limits might be, if any.
Indeed, so often one never knows if the poster just gives up or finds nirvana in what answers/hints are given or what.


更多回答(1 个)

Jeremy Hughes
Jeremy Hughes 2019-9-13
opts = detectImportOptions(FileName,'Delimiter',';','NumHeaderLines',18)
T = readtable(FileName,opts)

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