How to import textdata & data from Excel spreadsheet into Struct, using for loop?

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I am trying to insert some data I have into a new varible that is made up of structs. I think my for loop is working somewhat correctly now. However, it is only giving me the last row of data from my Excel sheet, in each struct. I think it has to do with my indexing of my new varible SBOB, I do not know. If anyone could help me out in resolving this issue, it will be greatly appreciated.
NOTE: SBOB_UD comes from the BOB mat file, and I define SBOB as SBOB = SBOB_UD;
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%% Data of Interest
% These for loops were used in creating SBOB & SBridge
% % Let this be for BOB
% for i = [12:14,44:60,71:82]
% filename1{i} = sprintf('Z:\\BARB\\TestData\\ShockData_July2018\\Time_Histories_R2\\test0%d_filt_time.mat',i);
% SBOB{i} = load(filename1{i})
% end
% % Let this be for Bridge
% for i = [15:19,31,34,41:43,61:70,83:93]
% filename2{i} = sprintf('Z:\\BARB\\TestData\\ShockData_July2018\\Time_Histories_R2\\test0%d_filt_time.mat',i);
% SBridge{i} = load(filename2{i})
% end
%% Decimate the data to a sample rate of 1e5
% save it in a new variable called SBOB
for p = 1:length(SBOB)
for r = 1:63
SBOB{p}.Title.Direction = excel.textdata{r,1};
SBOB{p}.Title.Item = excel.textdata{r,2};
SBOB{p}.Title.DropHeight = excel.textdata{r,3} % inches
SBOB{p}.Title.ShockG =,6); % G
SBOB{p}.Title.ShockT =,7); % msec
SBOB{p}.Title.Test = SBOB_UD{p}.title1(8:end); % This guy says what test one is looking at
SBOB{p}.labels = SBOB_UD{p}.labels; % Accelerometers
SBOB{p}.Acc = zeros(20001,16);
SBOB{p}.tt = zeros(20001,1);
% Decimate unfiltered data
for h = 1:16
SBOB{p}.Acc(:,h) = decimate(SBOB_UD{p}.accel_data(:,h),25);
SBOB{p}.tt = decimate(SBOB_UD{p}.t_data(:,1),25)/1000; % divide by 1000 to convert to sec
  3 个评论
Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson 2019-9-13
You don't have any indexing in SBOB for 'r.' I'm assuming you need that to capture more than the final row of r.
per isakson
per isakson 2019-9-14
Your code indicates that SBOB is a cell array and that each cell contains a struct. Wouldn't it be better to make SBOB a struct array?


回答(1 个)

per isakson
per isakson 2019-9-14
编辑:per isakson 2019-9-14
What is the size of SBOB ? The for-loop
% % Let this be for BOB
% for i = [12:14,44:60,71:82]
% filename1{i} = sprintf('Z:\\BARB\\TestData\\ShockData_July2018 ...
% SBOB{i} = load(filename1{i})
% end
indicates that SBOB is a vector and that each cell contains a scalar struct.
However, to make sense the nested for-loops
for p = 1:length(SBOB)
for r = 1:63
SBOB{p} ...
requires that
  • either SBOB is an <63 x length(SBOB)> array, not a vector
  • or the contained struct is a vector of length 63, not a scalar.
and that SBOB{p} would be either SBOB{r,p} or SBOB{p}(r)
Or maybe more likely the values of the fields Direction, Item, DropHeight, ShockG, ShockT, are vectors of length 63. If that's the case, SBOB{p}.Title.ShockG would be replaced by SBOB{p}.Title.ShockG(r)

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