Bin data in a strange way

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Jason 2019-9-16
评论: Jason 2019-9-17
Hello, I want to be able to put data into a bin but in a strange way.
My bin centres are 0, -2765, -5530, -8295, -11060
I only want data to slot into any of these bins if its within +/- 20 of the centre.
So for data to be in the 1st in it has to be in the range 20 to -20
And for the 2nd bin, in the range -2745 to -2785
Thnaks for any help
  2 个评论
the cyclist
the cyclist 2019-9-16
What do you want the output to be, specifically?
Jason 2019-9-16
Any data to be one of those values if within the bin width.
10 -> 0
-2760 -> -2765
-2770 -> -2765
-2780 -> -2765
-2790 -> NaN



the cyclist
the cyclist 2019-9-16
编辑:the cyclist 2019-9-17
% Simulate some data
data = [0; 0; -10; -2766; -5600; -5535];
% Define bin centers
binCenter = [ 0, -2765, -5530, -8295, -11060];
% Find distance between each point and each bin center
% (Relies on implicit expansion)
distance = abs(data - binCenter);
% Find distance to nearest bin center (and index of that center)
[minDist,minIdx] = min(distance,[],2);
% New variable with value of nearest bin center (or NaN if too far away)
data2 = binCenter(minIdx)';
data2(minDist > 20) = NaN;
  3 个评论
the cyclist
the cyclist 2019-9-17
Hm. That's not what I get. I made a correction after I posted, so maybe you caught the code before that? I made another couple changes above (smaller test set, and oriented data2 to be a column vector). Try that.
I get
[data, data2]
ans =
0 0
0 0
-10 0
-2766 -2765
-5600 NaN
-5535 -5530
Jason 2019-9-17
Yes that worked, thankyou very much.


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