To connect your environment address and XML files, follow the steps below:
1. Set Up Environment Variables: You've already done this part using "setenv" and "getenv".
2. Read XML File: Use "xmlread" function to read your XML file. This function parses the XML file and returns a Document Object Model (DOM) node.
xmlFile = 'path_to_your_file.xml';
xmlDoc = xmlread(xmlFile);
3. Extract Parameters from XML: Navigate through the DOM to extract the parameters you need. You can use methods like "getElementsByTagName" and "getFirstChild".
rootNode = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement();
paramNode = rootNode.getElementsByTagName('parameterName').item(0);
paramValue = char(paramNode.getFirstChild().getData());
4. Pass Parameters to Multiplexer: Assuming you have a function or script that acts as a multiplexer, you can pass the extracted parameters to it.
5. Connect to Database: Use the parameters to establish a connection to your database. You might use Database Toolbox for this.
conn = database('database_name', 'username', 'password', 'Vendor', 'ODBC', 'Server', getenv('NAME'));
Hope this helps!