Obtaining gain from exported oscilloscope values

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have exported .csv values from an oscilloscope for a unitstep fucntion of a DC motor. I need to find gain K and the transfer function. I get the plots from importing data, but how do i use matlab to caculate the transfer function and the gain
  2 个评论
thoughtGarden 2019-9-20
Do you have the system identification toolbox? (hint: type "ver" in the command terminal and look for "System Identification Toolbox"


回答(1 个)

Rhea Chandy
Rhea Chandy 2021-2-4
To add to what the above user @thoughtGarden said, the System Identification Toolbox will help you to get mathematical models from your measured input-output data.
In particular, you can look into this Linear Model Identification documentation to identify and predict the transfer function.


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