Good evening! Today I tried to download update 5 for MATLAB R2019a, which was offered for download in the top right corner of the interface. But unfortunately, the update was loading without showing any progress. I could not cancel the download either, as this function did not work. Had to close the download window via task Manager. Then I opened Matlab again, it started, but when I tried to open any file created earlier, it gave a huge list of errors. Then I decided to remove Matlab and install it again. But delete failed, the system referred to the inability to find the file segments.gen. Then I restored the system to an earlier version, it did not get better, only now Matlab is not removed, giving the following error: _3b_Lucene41_0.tip .
What to do in this situation? How do I uninstall this version? (Version R2019b I am currently downloading).