How to change the length of the lines inside the legend?

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
The green one is a solid line and the blue one is a dashed line. Clearly this is not indicative from the legend. How can this issue be circumvented as I couldn't find any options that could modify this from property editor ? I use the property editor to modify plots. Please give a solution that does not use additional lines of code.
Screenshot from 2019-09-27 19-52-14.png

回答(2 个)

Ankit 2019-9-27
编辑:Ankit 2019-9-27
Hello Sandeep,
please have a look here how you can modify the length of lines in a legend:
However, it is always good to check in FEX or google it before asking :)
  1 个评论
Christina Lebonville
Sandeep's question is not answered by any of those links as they need to edit the lines from the property editor. I am in the same boat and want to edit it from the property editor as I'm using an already saved figure. So far googling has found no solutions that do not involve either a whole function or additional code.


Afiq Azaibi
Afiq Azaibi 2024-10-9
Starting in R2024b, you can leverage the IconColumnWidth property on legend to increase the length of the icons:
hold on
plot(2:11, 'linewidth', 3, 'linestyle', '--');
l = legend({'plot1','plot2'},'FontSize',20);
l.IconColumnWidth = 60;


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