Picking one line from a .txt file.

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I have a question for a matlab code. I have a .txt file which includes numbers and words (the first 10 lines includes words and from 11th line and above include numbers). I would like to take from this file only the 5th line. I have used these commands:
%t = your table;
dataCell = table2cell(t); % convert to cells
dataCell = dataCell(11:end); % remove unneccessary text
cellNums = cellfun(@str2num,dataCell,'UniformOutput',0); % apply str to num on all the data
output = cell2mat(cellNums); % convert to matrix with 2 columns.
Which commands should I use in order to take only the 5th line of this .txt file?


meghannmarie 2019-10-1
Try this:
filename = 'file.txt'
linenum = 5;
fileID = fopen(filename);
C = textscan(fileID,'%s',1,'delimiter','\n', 'headerlines',linenum-1);
line5 = cell2mat(C{:});

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