How can i make use of csv file format in my matlab coding

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i have vibration data store from machine in csv file format. i tried to load data to Matlab by command " load vib_data.csv" but it fails to work.


Shane 2012-9-19
Yes, csvread will be the function to use as it brings in all of the data into a single matrix without having to convert it from a cell array.
A = csvread('filepath\filename.csv')
Please keep in mind that csvread works with numeric data only. I would assume that your vibration data is most likely all numeric anyways but any headers or annotations that are present in the csv will not be imported by matlab.
  5 个评论
Thomas 2012-9-19
How big is your data and how much memory do you have on the system.. Read only as much of the data that you need. This might mean that you have to write your own parser, but that's not too hard with the indicated file format.
Khan 2012-9-19
thank you all for your kind cooperation i will find out how much data i need for my analysis because i have total data about 3 GB. if i had any inconvenience i will let you know Thanks and regards Khan


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Thomas 2012-9-19


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