how to solve this data generating random number problem

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Hello everyone.
I need some help in my coe while i have some problem when i do use monte carlo method. My code is in the attachment. All the code is perfect, only the last equation p=pt*2(asin(sqrt(R))) has a problem. i dont know how to get this step. in this equation i need to get pt by monte carlo method. and R is the random number [0,1]. in the above equation i need to fing pt by using the monte carlo method, and then find p. i don't understand how to find pt by using the monte carlo method. can anybody please help me?
  8 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-10-17
Okay so for any given value of R how do you derive a pt value?
waqas muhammad
waqas muhammad 2019-10-17
编辑:waqas muhammad 2019-10-17
pt should be get by monte carlo method.... we dont need to check at the final value. we just need to do pt by monte carlo method, no other limits should be taken into consideration.


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