How to find files with a given pattern in multiple folders

26 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have slightly modified code shared by ImageAnalyst (I think) to built the small function below. The function below does mostly work: if I have a file named testing.txt and that I look for a file named testing.txt or even ting.txt or even .txt the function below will find the file. But not if I search for testing or test. So how can I make the function below more powerful in such a way that it will find a pattern anywhere in the file name ?
function filefinder(file, directory)
% List of the predefined directories to look into
if nargin == 1
directories = {'C:\', 'D:\', 'E:\'};
directories = {directory};
% Loop over all defined directories
for k = 1 : length(directories)
disp(sprintf('Searching: %s', directories{k}))
% Specify the file pattern.
% Note the special file pattern. It has /**/ in it to get files in subfolders of the top level folder.
filePattern = sprintf('%s/**/*%s', directories{k}, file);
allFileInfo = dir(filePattern);
% Throw out any folders. We want files only, not folders.
isFolder = [allFileInfo.isdir];
allFileInfo(isFolder) = [];
% Process all files in those folders.
totalNumberOfFiles = length(allFileInfo);
% Now we have a list of all files, matching the pattern, in the top level folder and its subfolders.
if totalNumberOfFiles >= 1
for m = 1 : totalNumberOfFiles
% Go through all those files.
thisFolder = allFileInfo(m).folder;
thisBaseFileName = allFileInfo(m).name;
fullFileName = fullfile(thisFolder, thisBaseFileName);
FileInfo = dir(fullFileName);
fprintf('Found file %d of %d : "%s". ', m, totalNumberOfFiles, fullFileName);
disp(' ')
fprintf('File not found in this folder \n');
disp(' ')
disp('Search completed !')


Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-10-17
Simply throw in an additional wildcard (*) here: (I've only added 1 character: *)
% Specify the file pattern.
% Note the special file pattern. It has /**/ in it to get files in subfolders of the top level folder.
filePattern = sprintf('%s/**/*%s*', directories{k}, file);
% ^ here
  3 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2019-10-17
编辑:Adam Danz 2019-10-17
...I just thought of a potential problem. If you're searching for something like "myFunc.m" it will also match files such as "myFunc.mat" since the wildcard will allow the extra characters following the ".m". That problem would be fairly easy to solve by the addition another line or two that enforces an extention match but it's something you should keep in mind.


更多回答(1 个)

meghannmarie 2019-10-17
Try contains:
function filefinder(file, directory)
% List of the predefined directories to look into
if nargin == 1
directories = {'C:\', 'D:\', 'E:\'};
directories = {'D:\','D:\'};
directories = {directory};
allFileInfo = [];
for d = 1:numel(directories)
file_struct = dir(fullfile(directories{d}, '**/*'));
files = {};
idx = contains(files,file);
allFileInfo = [allFileInfo;file_struct(idx)];
totalNumberOfFiles = numel(allFileInfo);
if totalNumberOfFiles >= 1
for m = 1:totalNumberOfFiles
% Go through all those files.
thisFolder = allFileInfo(m).folder;
thisBaseFileName = allFileInfo(m).name;
fullFileName = fullfile(thisFolder, thisBaseFileName);
fprintf('Found file %d of %d : "%s". ', m, totalNumberOfFiles, fullFileName);
disp(' ')
fprintf('File not found in this folder \n');
disp(' ')


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