Fminsearch to minimize norm of rms vector and thus giving me an optimized A and B matrix

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%% Function file to minimize the A matrix and B matrix
% Need 4 inputs to predict the state variable values
clear all
close all
Test_A = [-0.226952659259951, 0.0745746312124993, 0.00890963205964113, 0.0172172070742818; -8.51591268438146e-05, -0.588615273531104, 0.351669171179310, 0.00368617710122976; 0.00303570015200450, -9.95089687837753, -1.78460846839153, -0.131402573056676; 0, 0, 1, 0]; % Input a 4 by 4 matrix A
Test_B = [-0.0029; -1.09046351129058e-06; 3.88721722458518e-05; 0 ] ; % Input a 4 by 1 matrix B, only with coefficients of elevator angle
% Test_B = [0.0223, -0.0029; -0.6153, -1.09046351129058e-06; -2.3550, 3.88721722458518e-05; 0 0] ;
Test_C = eye(4);
Test_D = zeros(4,1);
Input_Data_2019_06_13 = readmatrix('actuators_node.fins.dat'); %Actuator fins data file contains the elevator angle and rudder angle input values in form of Starboards side and Bottom fins respectively
Input_Data_2019_06_13(:,1) = Input_Data_2019_06_13(:,1) - Input_Data_2019_06_13(1,1) ;
Elevator_Angle = Input_Data_2019_06_13(:,3);
% Rudder_Angle = Input_Data_2019_06_13(:,5);
% U = [Rudder_Angle, Elevator_Angle];
U = [Elevator_Angle];
U(isnan(U)) = 0; % To convert all the NaN elements in U matrix to 0
t_old = Input_Data_2019_06_13(:,1);
t_new = transpose(linspace(0,294,length(Input_Data_2019_06_13))) ; % t = linspace(0, 10, 100);
U_new = interp1(t_old,U,t_new);
U_new(isnan(U_new)) = 0;
Test_U = U_new; % Actual Field data input values
% Parsing Actual Output Data from the field
Output_surge_heave_sway_2019_06_13 = readmatrix('linkquest_dvl_node.velocity.dat');
Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Angle_2019_06_13 = readmatrix('microstrain_ahrs_node.attitude.dat');
Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Rate_2019_06_13 = readmatrix('microstrain_ahrs_node.gyroscope.dat');
Output_surge_heave_sway_2019_06_13(:,1) = Output_surge_heave_sway_2019_06_13(:,1) - Output_surge_heave_sway_2019_06_13(1,1);
Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Angle_2019_06_13(:,1) = Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Angle_2019_06_13(:,1) - Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Angle_2019_06_13(1,1);
Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Rate_2019_06_13(:,1) = Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Rate_2019_06_13(:,1) - Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Rate_2019_06_13(1,1);
% Also Interpolating the actual field output data because the data set has
% a different length and would cause difficulty while calculating error. So
% need to generalise the actual output with experimental output
Surge = Output_surge_heave_sway_2019_06_13(:,2);
Heave = Output_surge_heave_sway_2019_06_13(:,4);
Output_time1 = Output_surge_heave_sway_2019_06_13(:,1);
Output_time1_new = transpose(linspace(0,294,length(Input_Data_2019_06_13)));
Surge_field = (interp1(Output_time1,Surge,Output_time1_new));
Surge_field(isnan(Surge_field)) = 0;
Heave_field = (interp1(Output_time1,Heave,Output_time1_new));
Heave_field(isnan(Heave_field)) = 0;
Pitch_Angle = Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Angle_2019_06_13(:,3);
Output_time2 = Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Angle_2019_06_13(:,1);
Output_time2_new = transpose(linspace(0,294,length(Input_Data_2019_06_13)));
Pitch_Angle_field = (interp1(Output_time2,Pitch_Angle,Output_time2_new));
Pitch_Angle_field(isnan(Pitch_Angle_field)) = 0;
Pitch_Rate = Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Rate_2019_06_13(:,3);
Output_time3 = Output_roll_pitch_yaw_Rate_2019_06_13(:,1);
Output_time3_new = transpose(linspace(0,294,length(Input_Data_2019_06_13)));
Pitch_Rate_field = (interp1(Output_time3,Pitch_Rate,Output_time3_new));
Pitch_Rate_field(isnan(Pitch_Rate_field)) = 0;
sys = ss(Test_A,Test_B,Test_C,Test_D);
Test_t = transpose(linspace(0,294,length(Input_Data_2019_06_13))) ;
Test_SV = [2; 0; 0; 0]; % State Variable operating point values
Test_Y = lsim(ss(Test_A,Test_B,Test_C,Test_D),Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV);
rms_surge = sqrt((sum((Test_Y(:,1) - Surge_field).^ 2))/length(Test_Y(:,1)));
rms_heave = sqrt((sum((Test_Y(:,2) - Heave_field).^ 2))/length(Test_Y(:,2)));
rms_pitch_angle = sqrt((sum((Test_Y(:,3) - Pitch_Angle_field).^ 2))/length(Test_Y(:,3)));
rms_pitch_rate = sqrt((sum((Test_Y(:,4) - Pitch_Rate_field).^ 2))/length(Test_Y(:,4)));
rms = [rms_surge, rms_heave, rms_pitch_angle, rms_pitch_rate];
Output_rms = norm(rms);
X_0 = [1 0 0 0, 0 1 0 0, 0 1 0 1, 0 0 1 0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.001, 0];
% Random = RMSE(X_0,Test_C,Test_D,Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV, Surge_field, Heave_field, Pitch_Angle_field, Pitch_Rate_field);
X_Min = fminsearch(RMSE(X_0,Test_C,Test_D,Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV, Surge_field, Heave_field, Pitch_Angle_field, Pitch_Rate_field),X_0);
function Output_rms = RMSE(X_Min,Test_C,Test_D,Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV, Surge_field, Heave_field, Pitch_Angle_field, Pitch_Rate_field)
New_A(1,1:4) = X_Min(1,1:4);
New_A(2,1:4) = X_Min(1,5:8);
New_A(3,1:4) = X_Min(1,9:12);
New_A(4,1:4) = X_Min(1,13:16);
New_B(1:4,1) = X_Min(1,17:20);
Test_Y1 = lsim(ss(New_A,New_B,Test_C,Test_D),Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV);
rms_surge = sqrt((sum((Test_Y1(:,1) - Surge_field).^ 2))/length(Test_Y1(:,1)));
rms_heave = sqrt((sum((Test_Y1(:,2) - Heave_field).^ 2))/length(Test_Y1(:,2)));
rms_pitch_angle = sqrt((sum((Test_Y1(:,3) - Pitch_Angle_field).^ 2))/length(Test_Y1(:,3)));
rms_pitch_rate = sqrt((sum((Test_Y1(:,4) - Pitch_Rate_field).^ 2))/length(Test_Y1(:,4)));
rms = [rms_surge, rms_heave, rms_pitch_angle, rms_pitch_rate];
Output_rms = norm(rms);
  2 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2019-10-18
编辑:John D'Errico 2019-10-18
What is your question? Is there a reason why you posted this, besides having a lot of spare time on your hands?
Does the code run? If so, then why are you wasting our time to read it?
If it does not run, then does it fail, with an error? If so, then why did you not tell us what the error message was? Give the COMPLETE ERROR MESSAGE, EVERYTHING IN RED.
Does it run, and give you something that you feel to be strange? If so, then tell us what it does, and then tell us WHY you think the result does not seem correct to you.
If you want help, then make it easy for someone to help you. Don't make someone spend a significant amount of time trying to guess what and why you think you have a problem. That just ensures that nobody will bother to spend the time.
Japnit Sethi
Japnit Sethi 2019-10-18
编辑:Japnit Sethi 2019-10-18
I am sorry I had added the question before the code but for some reason it vanished after I submitted the question:
My question is :
I am trying to find the optimal A and B matrix such that I get a minimum norm of my rms vector.
Also this is the error i get when I run the code!!
Error using fcnchk (line 107)
FUN must be a function, a valid character vector expression, or an inline function object.
Error in fminsearch (line 173)
funfcn = fcnchk(funfcn,length(varargin));
Error in RMS_Fmin (line 81)
X_Min = fminsearch(RMSE(X_Min,Test_C,Test_D,Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV, Surge_field, Heave_field, Pitch_Angle_field,



Matt J
Matt J 2019-10-18
fun=@(X) RMSE(X,Test_C,Test_D,Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV, Surge_field, Heave_field, Pitch_Angle_field, Pitch_Rate_field)
X_Min = fminsearch(fun,X_0);
  1 个评论
Japnit Sethi
Japnit Sethi 2019-10-31
Thanks that helped !! I was able to work it out with a little bit of tweaking:
Here was my final code:
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',10e100000000000000000000); % To increase my evaluation iterations for fminsearch
Sol = fminsearch(@(X_Any) RMSE(X_Any,Test_C,Test_D,Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV, Heave_field, Pitch_Rate_field, Pitch_Angle_field, Z_Axis_field), X_0, options);
function Output_rms = RMSE(X_Any,Test_C,Test_D,Test_U,Test_t,Test_SV, Heave_field, Pitch_Rate_field, Pitch_Angle_field, Z_Axis_field)


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