Hor to make a URDF file?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
sara hosseini
sara hosseini 2019-10-21
I am in very basics of ORS in MATLAB. Reading the descriptions I noticed I have to build a URDF file. The inside of the XML or URDF code is explained in every source, but I could not find, where to write this code? Does it need any special package? Where can I get it?
How can I creau this URDF file from the most begining?
I am using MATLAB by the way.

回答(1 个)

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro 2019-11-12
URDF is a file format used externally to MATLAB. It just happens that MATLAB has a URDF importer.
Here are the official tutorials from the ROS Wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/urdf/Tutorials
- Sebastian


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